Rolls and Pies for Thanksgiving

Order Your Thanksgiving Pies and Rolls Now!

Pre-order your Thanksgiving pies and rolls today. We are currently accepting pre-orders until November 18th.

We have apple crumble pie made with Honeycrisp and Granny Smith apples. Pumpkin pie with sweetened custard pumpkin using maple syrup and condensed milk. Parker House rolls that are buttery, soft, and slightly sweet with a crispy shell. Lastly, herb butter seasoned with parsley, chive, tarragon, and thyme. Your pick!

Keep in mind pickup is only available during store hours on November 22nd and November 23rd. All pre-orders are also non-refundable. Click here to start your order.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Happy holidays!

thanksgiving pie, apple crumble pie





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